About Us

Actually, it's all about you.

SavvyClick helps you and your brand look good - on paper, across social, and in real life (IRL).

Our team of marketing professionals work for you and with you to build, manage and refine your brand so you achieve your goals with authority and authenticity.

Lillian Yvette Jenkins (@savvyclickchick) founded SavvyClick in 2007 after witnessing individuals and businesses struggle to navigate the digital world. Her mission was to make it simple - even fun - to build and manage their brands across social and in real life.

Grounded in the belief that every brand must actively and authentically represent who they are now and who they aspire to be, SavvyClick helps both individuals and businesses define their unique profile, identify the most impactful channels to communicate, and manage their digital footprint.

We're in the business of helping you authentically brand yourself and your company. 

It all starts with understanding who you are and who you want to be.

Ready to get Savvy? Contact us.